
Published on 11 December 2024 at 15:09



Heyyy Guyssssssss!!!!!!!!!! This will be a short, reminscent, and sweet blog post but before we dive into that, I'd like to bring in a news report! 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~so let's diveee into the newssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Faces of Silicon Valley News!! 

1) Reminder: Please contact me if you'd like to be interviewed! Common Misconception, but you don't need to live in Silicon Valley or have any ties to it. Faces of Silicon Valley highlights stories in Silicon Valley, but we're open to connecting more communities together! So you can be interviewed, if you're a student, a worker, a cook, a young or old entrepreneur! We'd love to hear your story! Just contact us using our interview application process: https://forms.gle/CAGsioU2V2QaLeCo8 or using our contact page! If you have any questions on how to do this feel free to check out Week 23 & Week-24 which features a manual on how to navigate Faces of Silicon Valley. In fact, Week-24 covers this particular aspect in-depth. While you're checking out those weeks' posts, feel free to check out other blog posts, and to share this website with your friends! 


2) Please feel free to comment your ideas, thoughts, comments, or just about anything appropriate! We're happy to connect with more people! I cannot stress how important it is to us if you comment. Every week, I take the liberty of leaving a comment prompt at the very end of my post, it would make me and the team, here at Faces of Silicon Valley, if you left an APPRORIATE COMMENT on our posts. If your confused about how comments here at Faces of Silicon Valley works, please feel free to check out Weeks 23 & 24, as I mentioned earlier these posts will aid in navigating our website! Additionally, if you or someone you know would like to be involved in Faces of Silicon Valley's Interview Process, just let us know, and we'll be happy to get back to you! We pride ourselves in sharing so many others stories, and we are in fact working on and looking to expand the demographics of our interviewees! So if you're anyone who's interested or if you know anyone who is interested, please let us know! Yes, we want to share everyone's stories, but we are very open to working around interviewee constraints! :-) 


3) Repetition of the above, but please feel free to inform others about Faces of Silicon Valley, and the exciting posts, information, interviews, stories, and more that we share here! We'd love to gain a greater viewer following, so we can expand more! Remember our Mission Statements displayed on our homepage, "WE WANT TO CONNECT COMMUNITIES AND CREATE OUR OWN ONLINE COMMUNITITY, WHERE EVERYONE FEELS SAFE!!! <3 <3"


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NOW INTO THE JUICYYYYY STUFFFF....THE BLOG POST ITSELFFFFFFFF HAS ARRIVEDDDD!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Did you know that there are many phobias or fears? One of them is called gerascophobia, it's a clinical phobia which is associated with having extreme anxiety and distress related to aging. The name comes from the Greek word, "Gerasco," meaning to grow old, and phobia means fear. People with gerascophobia often experience anxiety, panic attacks, depressions, and avoidance behaviors with topics associated with aging. With treatment and support, gerascrophobia won't be a life-threatening or barrier to living life, happily. That being said, I'm not a clinical expert, so if you have extreme worries contact a professional. If you're still worried, you should know gerscophobia only affects 4 to 6% of the population, today. So that was my introduction to today's writing piece :) 

Here's the actual author bio: 

I wrote "Take Me Away," when I felt swamped with a growing list of things to do. It made me miss the days, in the pandemic when I’d run around the backyard, screaming “I’m bored!”


The poem is representative of teenagers as they realize life gets harder. As I get older, I'm slowly beginning to see that all the joys of childhood are slowly slipping away from me.


I wanted to make the poem happier in a way, but the truth is life won't get easier unless we work hard to make it easier. At my age, teenagers are still figuring that out. So in a way, this poem is representative of that in-between stage of figuring life out.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~without further ado.....i command theee to read this poem~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Take Me Away: 


Memories of the beach, every year. 

Waves always recede, 

And each time, I wish to swim away with the waves. 

Free to be their own selves. 

Waves are forever. 

Take me away, I wish to be as free as you. 


We bought a balloon. 

It bobs up and down,

Just like a child on a trampoline. 

If only life were that simple. 

I grasp the string of the balloon, wishing: 

Take me away, I wish to be as free as you. 


“Happily ever after” ends every fairy tale.

Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, and her Prince.

Despite all the odds, despite all the problems, 

It all works out, if only life, were that easy. 

Where’s my happy ending, when will I be free? 

Take me away, I wish to be as free as you. 


Running down the hills and screaming “Blast off,” as a child, 

Racing anyone, anywhere. 

Then coming home, and drinking hot chocolate and lemonade, 

Memories I still remember. 

Take me back, when life was that simple. 

Take me away, I wish to be as free as you. 


Hope you guys enjoyed that! Let me know if you need someone to talk to if you're too worried about your futures? Remember, when we're struggling it's always good to reach out to someone, trustworthy. But now for a bit of a mood-change, let's move on to comment prompts! Now, I know last time, I went on a whole tangent about how comment prompts should be, so I trust that you will follow the "rules," and if needed you will revisit them on Week-25's blog post. Just make sure everything you write is APPRORIATE and Well-Worded! We do have young-readers on this blog, and we want to make sure everyone feels comfortable. Remember our goal is to create an online, accepting community for everyone! With that, if you're uncomfortable sharing your real name, just remember you can sign comments under an APPRORIATE user name, and if you'd like to chat with me, contact me using the "CONTACT US!" page! Alright, so that's it, just read the bottom, before I sign off for this week, my lovely people!  :) 


Comment Prompts: 

1) So at the beginning of this prompt, I talked about phobias. Let me know in the comments if you'd be interested in that! 
2) I'm working on creating a "weekly broadcast" to go along with the Faces of Silicon Valley News! Any ideas or tips! I've already built the "Pilot," episode on Canva, but I'm looking to see better, free platforms to create it on! As of now, I'm just including the usual news, but let me know if you guys would enjoy funny tidbits. At our school, we have a weekly broadcast and sometimes there are funny things included like campus questions. So I was thinking, I could feature the top three comments from the previous week's blog posts, and use that. Also, if we go further into this project, how man of you would enjoy having the video links embedded within the blog posts, or would you prefer a separate page for these "episodes?" So many questions! I might send out a poll to our weekly readers.  

3) How can I make the "news," bit of our website more exciting and appealing, so more readers tend to check that part out more?
4) Any feedback or advice on the poem? Remember be CONSTRUCTIVE & APPRORIATE! :) 

If you have any writing you'd like our team to take a look at it, send it to us, using the Contact Us Page, or if you're more comfortable, just comment it down below! :) 

5) Blog topics! Ideas needed! If you've ever seen Mystery Science Videos, should I do something similar to that? Like at the end of my "episodes," should I send out a poll, and you guys choose the top three topics, you'd like a blog post about? Let me know in the comments! :) 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHECK OUT MY WRITING ON OTHER PLATFORMS!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Young Writers' Project: https://youngwritersproject.org/explore/writing/take-me-away

Medium: https://medium.com/@shivali.patra/take-me-away-6c2a08cd67a0

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OKAY, SIGNING OFFFFF NOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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